Legacy Systems Support

Ongoing Support for Your Existing Legacy Systems

Whether you’re facing an uncertain future with your current supplier, or you’re not receiving any support, Rio can help

At Rio, we pride ourselves on providing reliable and professional support for a wide range of legacy systems. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that your software remains high-performing and secure well into the future, often breathing new life into it during the process.

When you partner with us, our in-house technical support experts will carefully evaluate your system and perform any necessary initial work to guarantee its continued safe operation. We offer a responsive maintenance service to promptly address any issues that may arise, all easily reported through our Client Portal or dedicated slack/teams channels.

To support you effectively, we begin by conducting a thorough health check of your legacy application to identify any vulnerabilities following OWASP standards. Based on this assessment, we will recommend a suitable level of support and propose any technical or hosting measures needed. Additionally, we can explore possibilities for small enhancements under your support agreement. Should your technology be outdated beyond salvage, we can guide you through a smooth migration to a supported solution or provide alternative upgrade suggestions; with full transparency on costs and benefits.


Whether it’s bespoke or off-the-shelf, make sure you have the right software to achieve your business goals.

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We’ve helped hundreds of businesses to achieve more. Let’s discuss your goals.

T: 01206 235000
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